Optimize AI costs for your free plan or trial

Sumatra helps balance user acquisition with intelligent cost controls—prioritizing high-intent users while limiting wasteful API calls.

Optimize AI costs for your free plan or trial

Sumatra helps balance user acquisition with intelligent cost controls—prioritizing high-intent users while limiting wasteful API calls.

Optimize AI costs for your free plan or trial

Sumatra helps balance user acquisition with intelligent cost controls—prioritizing high-intent users while limiting wasteful API calls.

Limit wasted API calls

Automatically identify low-intent users, limit API calls, require login, or use lower cost models.

Prioritize high-intent users

Remove friction for high-intent users, serve flagship models, or offer additional credits.

Block API abuse

Detect API abuse and bots in real time and automatically lock the account or rate limit your API.

  • Call API

  • Invite new user

  • View page

  • Regenerate

  • Summarize

  • Login failed

  • Generate image

  • Sign up

  • Generate text

  • Generate text

  • Sign up

  • Generate image

  • Login failed

  • Summarize

  • Regenerate

  • View page

  • Invite new user

  • Call API

  • Call API

  • Invite new user

  • View page

  • Regenerate

  • Summarize

  • Login failed

  • Generate image

  • Sign up

  • Generate text

Sumatra API

Sumatra API

  • Disable API

  • Lock account

  • Use GPT-3

  • Use GPT-4

  • Rate limit API

  • Fewer credits

  • Additional credits

  • Require login

  • Use GPT-4

  • Use GPT-3

  • Lock account

  • Rate limit API

  • Fewer credits

  • Require login

  • Disable API

  • Additional credits

  • Require login

  • Lock account

  • Use GPT-3

  • Use GPT-4

  • Disable API

  • Rate limit API

  • Fewer credits

  • Additional credits